Grace Women's Outreach

healing through Christ

Beauty Out of Brokenness


Listen to Series

Christine Trujillo

The Power of Story

In the Bible, Jesus often used stories to convey important lessons about the love of God. Jesus was very compassionate, taught through grace, and He connected with His followers by sharing stories.

“And He told them many things in parables.”
Matthew 13:3 ESV

We all have a story to be told. In my own life, God used death, loss, sickness, anger, divorce, and living with an alcoholic parent to transform me through His redemptive work. 

Through Grace Women’s Outreach,  I share my story with women who are lost and hurting and share the lesson of how God’s love offered me a way out of my hurt and brokenness and taught me how to use my experience to help others.

My life story is a living testimony of God’s love, grace, and transforming power through the cross. My prayer is that my story will encourage others and point them to the Gospel of Christ.

Christine Trujillo

Founder, Grace Women’s Outreach

Our Mission

Grace Women’s Outreach is a Christian based ministry whose mission is to follow the example Jesus left His followers before He ascended into heaven. He selflessly gave up His time and energy to help others in their time of need.

Our Goal

Our goal is to invest our time and energy, by recognizing and honoring women who have persevered in faith through very difficult trials in their lives.

“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.”

~2 Corinthians 4:8-10 NLT

The Book

You’re Beautiful

Early in my life, I tried to control my circumstances, which caused me to be stagnant in my spiritual life and broken on the inside. Through the process of my healing, I was able to write a book and talk about how God offered me love, grace, and forgiveness. It’s my desire to use my book as a platform so others may read my story, and see how God took the ugliness and dysfunction that was in my life and turned it into a beautiful gift from which others may benefit. A discussion guide is available in conjunction with the book so that women can go deeper into the healing process.

My goal is to connect with women who have persevered in faith through Christ during challenging trials. Upon hearing each story, we want to recognize, come alongside them and support them.

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Ways to Help

Buy the Book

Purchase the You’re Beautiful book to read and share with others.

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Invest your resources as a monthly supporter or with a one-time donation.


Pray for our mission, staff, and women who are reached through our ministry.


Listen to

Beauty Out of Brokenness


In-Person Outreach

Christine Trujillo is passionate about using her life as a living testimony to reveal God’s love, grace, and forgiveness. She uses what she has learned in her life to help women who are going through struggles and hardship. God’s love is unlimited, and it is her hope to reach women in her community and beyond so they may experience His great love for them.

Please connect with Christine if you would like her to visit your church or women’s organization to share her story.

Journey with Us

We are never alone when we walk together in Christ.

Jesus chose seventy-two men – besides His Disciples – to go out and share the good news with people of every nation and culture. The men were instructed to go publicly, and share what they had learned about God’s saving grace.  

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
~ Matthew 28:19 ESV

We invite you to follow along with us on Instagram@gracewomensoutreach.

“God is with her, she will not fall; God will help her at the break of day.”

~Psalm 46:5

We all have a story . . . what’s your story?

Inspire us by sharing your story.